
  • Post-holiday recycling

    Get a nifty gadget under your Christmas tree? It’s a good idea to recycle the old version. Recycling Jackson will be open on Saturday, Jan. 8 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. We’ll be taking the usual recyclable materials, as well as e-waste – which means you can recycle that old not-so-flatscreen TV. And now…

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  • Recycling Jackson has a copy of the Ecology Center’s “Financial Projections for Closure of the Jackson County Resource Recovery Facility” memo (download the pdf). It’s conclusion? The closing of the JCRRF presents significant opportunities for improved services and job creation in Jackson County. This major transition should not simply be left to convert from incineration…

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  • For those of us that are avid recyclers there was a glimmer of hope this fall that we will have the opportunity to bring others into the recycling fold. If you happened to miss the headlines a couple weeks ago, the Department of Correction put Jackson County on notice that they were going to no…

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  • How about that.  The Wall Street Journal found that guilt and social norms, not information, is more effective at changing behavior: Studies dating back at least three decades clearly show the power of social norms. We tend to ascribe our actions to more high-minded motives, or to practical concerns about money. But at its core,…

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  • We had a great turnout for our summer e-waste drive as a part of the Jackson Community Recycling Day. All-told, we collected 18,595 lbs. of electronics, including 11,800 lbs. of TVs; 2,500 lbs. of PC monitors; 2,500 lbs. of PCs; 1,700 lbs. of miscellaneous materials. That’s more than nine tons of e-waste that won’t go…

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  • We got this note from Jim Rossman at Commonwealth Associates: Northwest Refuse accepts books. They were very accommodating when I showed up with a pickup truck full. They helped me load the boxes of books onto a pallet set atop a fork lift truck. I also contacted Recycle Ann Arbor. They have two methods of…

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  • Gazelle, says the New York Times, is a way to recycle your electronic waste (e-waste) and get some money back for your gadgets. Rik Fairlie writes: Gazelle resells most of the items customers send in and uses recycling as a last resort so that fewer products land in landfills. Here’s how it works: Go to…

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  • Cruncy, and recyclable

    Imagine that – Sun Chips now comes in compostable bags, says Waste Recycling News: Snack foods maker SunChips is now packaging its multigrain chips in compostable bags, the company said. The new bags are made from plant-based polylactic acid. The bags will fully compost in approximately 14 weeks when placed in a hot, active compost…

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  • Recycling Jackson continues to receive large quantities of alkaline batteries. They are expensive to recycle because of their weight and small size. We believe we are the only location in town that actually recycles the batteries that you drop off. If you are using another location for this service, inquire as to what they do…

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